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Terms and conditions

General Terms and Conditions of Use

of services provided by the company Ú, s.r.o. on the website (hereinafter referred to as “Terms”)

general conditions

For the purposes of these Terms, the terms listed below shall have the following meanings:

Provider of the service on Server is the company Ú, s.r.o., Karla Engliše 3201/6, Smíchov, 150 00 Praha 5, IČ (ID): 60751878, DIČ (VAT number): CZ60751878.

User is a natural or legal person, who uses the Provider’s Service.

Server is a compilation of applications, web interface, and another functionally and technically related hardware and software, which serve a role in assuring the access to the Service by Users, especially via the domain

Service is a compilation of services provided by the Provider to Users, which mean especially storing of information provided by User and its subsequent downloading by another Users.

Packages are all files stored by User on Server. Packages are stored in a storage space on Server by Provider. Each package can be unequivocally identified via its unique URL link address.

User’s content represents all information stored by User on Server in the form of uploaded packages.

service providers

Provider enables User to use those Services:

  • Uploading Packages on Server of Provider, sending out information about package storage to selected recipients and its repeated downloading.
  • The possibility to download Packages by other Users, who are recipients of a Package (User states their e-mail addresses when uploading Package on Server), or by other Users, who are given an url link address to a Package.
  • Another Services available on Server in accordance with the Terms stated therein.

users and the scope of provided Services

Services offered by Provider are intended for unregistered Users

Unregistered User (depending on Provider’s current Offer) may use the services:

  • Uploading Packages via Server’s web interface
  • Downloading Packages from Server

User rights and obligations

User is responsible for User’s content By uploading Package on Server, User is not disposed of any rights to the uploaded files and is authorized to have them at his or her disposal in accordance with these Terms.

By uploading Package on Server, User entrusts Provider with automated processing and storing of a respective Package on Server.

User declares that he or she is entitled to upload User’s content on Server. In case User enables sharing of User’s content, he or she simultaneously declares that he or she is entitled to share the selfsame User’s content.

Provider does not execute any checking of lawfulness or the absence of authorization for storing and sharing Packages by User.

Service provided on Server is not a service intended for permanent back-up storage of information and data. User is responsible for his or her own back-up processes of files, and on his or her own expenses. Provider does not guarantee that any Package or its part will not be damaged or deleted. Provider is not responsible for any potential damage and any other detriment caused by the loss of Package or its part.

Provider rights and obligations

Provider does not in any way monitor, open, and analyse uploaded Packages and its content. The mentioned declaration does not restrict the right to delete Package or its part in accordance with these Terms.

Provider is not (in accordance with the provision of Section 6 of Act No. 480/2004 Coll. on certain information society services, as amended) obliged to superintend the content of information transferred and stored by it, nor to actively search for facts and circumstances pointing to the illegal content of information.

Provider reserves the right to delete, remove, or in any other way restrict the availability of any uploaded Package or its part, especially if a fact or circumstance pointing to the illegal content of uploaded Package is brought to Provider’s knowledge.

User acknowledges and approves that Provider is entitled at any time and any any how adjust Server as well as provided Services, its scope and Terms, without any prior notice to User.

material responsibility

Provider does not provide any guarantees to User regarding Services and Server, especially no guarantees regarding functionality and availability of Services.

User declares his or her acknowledgement that Provider does not provide any guarantees regarding providing Services, and therefore providing of Services is connected to a certain risk. User accepts the risk.

Provider is not liable to User for any direct or indirect harm or damage which User may experience in connection with the use of Server and Services. Provider is not liable to User especially for:

  • Malfunctions, unavailability, poor availability and speed of any Service;
  • A fail to deliver Package to e-mail addresses stated in Package;
  • A loss of Package or its part;

protection of personal data

Provider protects information and personal data received from Users, including personal data, in accordance with the law.

Personal data are processed in relation to User to the extent necessary for the provision of Service, for the purpose of providing the Services and communication between Provider and User, in accordance with Act 101/2000 Coll. on personal data protection. The e-mail sent by Provider to User may include an advertising message from Provider or third parties. E-mail addresses shall not be provided to a third party.

Personal data of each User are processed automatically in an electronic form.

advertising messages

User hereby acknowledges and approves that advertising and / or promotional messages (hereinafter referred to as “advertising”) of third parties may be displayed as a part of Services. These companies may use data (but not any name and e-mail address) about visiting these or other websites in order to provide advertising for goods and services. Further information about those procedures can by found by User HERE, including instructions on preventing those companies from using the mentioned data.

User hereby acknowledges and approves sending of advertising messages by Provider. User may cancel the subscription of advertising messages any time.

final provisions

These conditions and the relationship between Provider and User are governed by the laws of the Czech Republic.

These conditions are made in Czech language. The Czech version of the Terms is binding and any other language versions of these Terms are made for information only.

Provider reserves the right to unilaterally change the wording of these Terms at any time. Changes to the Terms shall take effect on the date determined by Provider.

User acknowledges and approves that the rights and obligations associated with the services provided by Provider under these Terms may be transferred to third parties. The transfer or assignment of the rights and obligations of User and Provider does not affect the validity and effectiveness of these Terms.

These Terms take effect on November 1, 2014.

terms of use
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